Foreclosure of Mechanic’s Lien is Mandatory

August 25, 2014

In a case of first impression, the Court of Appeals ruled that if a court determines that a mechanic’s lienholder has a perfected statutory mechanic’s lien and is entitled to recover damages for unpaid labor and materials, the court must issue a judgment of foreclosure and order the sale of the property.

In the specific case in front of the Court, the lienholder sought to foreclose on its lien, but the trial court refused to order a foreclosure, noting that the language of the statute (Texas Property Code 53.154) provides that mechanic’s liens “may be foreclosed only on judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.”  The Court of Appeals, reversing the trial court’s decision, noted that the use of the passive voice implied a meaning that mechanic’s liens may be enforced by the lienholder, thus giving the lienholder–not the court–the discretion.

Crawford Servs., Inc. v. Skillman Int’l Firm LLC