Statute of Frauds Primer

November 21, 2012

The court of appeals has issued an opinion that serves as a useful primer on the statute of frauds.  The appellant, Michael Kalmus, sue to recover for unpaid commissions after his employment was terminated.  The appellee, Financial Necessities Network, defended the case with the statute of frauds, claiming that the oral agreement alleged by Kalmyus was essentially an agreement for lifetime employment that could not be enforced in the absence of a signed writing.  The court of appeals reversed and remanded, holding that the evidence showed the agreement was terminable at will, and therefore could have been concluded within a year’s time.  In the course of announcing that decision, the opinion collects and recites much of the black-letter law regarding the statute of frauds, making it a useful source of future citations on the topic.

Kalmus v. Oliver, No. 05-11-00486-CV