15th COA Constitutional

August 23, 2024

The Texas Supreme Court ended debate over the constitutionality of the 15th Court of Appeals in In re Dallas County, No. 24-0426 (Aug. 23, 2024), concluding that its statewide jurisdiction was permissible:

So whatever else it means for the State to be divided into appellate districts, it does not mean that each district will be a distinct division of the State, that any case is free from being sent across Texas to a far-flung court of appeals, or that one court may not be given effective statewide reach over at least some cases. These departures from a purely geography-based appellate system—in which each appellate court would resolve every appeal arising from its geographic territory—confirm that flexibility is a paramount value of [Tex. Const.] Article V, § 6(a).

No. 24-0426 (Tex. Aug. 23, 2024).