One CLE, Many Justices
October 18, 2018Today’s Appellate CLE presentation about advocacy tips and key SCOTX cases had more sitting Justices in attendance than most appellate courts have members; it was presented by Justices Lang, Lang, Francis, Lang-Miers, Evans, Stoddart, and Boatright, with Justices Myers, Schenck, and Whitehill in attendance (as well as retired Justice Morris, and numerous staff attorneys from the Fifth Court). Here is a copy of the handout; among many items discussed:
- Citation – Who knew? The new Green Book for Texas case citations has eliminated the need to say “Tex. Civ. App.” for older intermediate-court opinions, standardizing all such citations with “Tex. App.”
- Don’t Get Seimed. Seim v. Allstate Texas Lloyds, 551 S.W.3d 161 (Tex. 2018), in
clarifying the distinction between objections of “form” and those of “substance” in summary judgment practice, may have affected other lines of authority about specific types of common objections – beyond those expressly discussed in the opinion.